Me, Myself, And… A Mental Block.

Go to

Log in.

Click ‘New Post’.

Write a blog.


Yup, that’s how I do it. (Actually, that’s how we’re all supposed to do it, right?) But a week ago, I broke the ‘rule’.

I logged on to my account, clicked the button, and stared.

Heck, I didn’t even have a title yet.

When I clicked the box where you’re supposed to type the body of your post, I just kept staring at the blinking line. It’s there–it’s gone–it’s there–no wait it’s gone, but still no words. I felt like I was writing a homework, I knew I had to, and in this case I wanted to, but I can’t seem to think of a topic!

Maybe because it’s summer vacation here in the Philippines which means I do not go to school and am stuck at home until May 6 and nothing blog-worthy has happened yet?

Anyway, I stopped digging up my brain for blog ideas and just closed the tab on my browser.

And yes, even if I am not in school yet, I have experienced the dreaded MENTAL BLOCK.

Hence, this post.